Medical and Transport
First Aid and Medication
Parents are asked to make the school aware of any medical condition affecting their children and this information is retained in each child’s confidential file. When children are ill at school, the office staff will contact parents identified on the emergency number. Minor accidents will be dealt with by our trained First Aiders at school but for all accidents of a more serious nature parents or carers will be contacted and/or medical assistance sought.
If your child needs to bring medication of any kind to school, we require you to complete a consent form (available from the school office or click the link below for the Parental Agreement for Administering Medication.
It is also Health & Safety requirement that medication is clearly named and in the original box and left with the office staff and should not be kept by the child. An asthma inhaler (named) may be carried by arrangement with the office. We highly recommend that asthma sufferers leave an extra inhaler in the office in case of an emergency. Please name the actual Asthma Inhaler/EpiPen as well as the packaging.
Children who have EpiPen's for allergies should follow the procedure as given by their health advisers and a copy the latest health plan given to the school office.
All medication currently held (except Asthma Inhalers and EpiPen's that are in date) will be disposed of at the end of the school year. If you would like to reuse it the following year please collect it on the last day of the summer term and bring it back in September with a new Parental Agreement for Administering Medication form.
EpiPen's and Inhalers require an new form each year too. It is the parent/carers responsibility to check expiry dates and change medication throughout the year if needed. At the beginning of the school year all children documented with asthma on SIMS will be contacted to bring in the emergency inhaler as a one off reminder.
The school office appreciates the help with this as they hold a large amount of medicines and cannot take responsibility for checking expiry dates.
Occasionally, it is necessary to enlist parental assistance with transport of children to sports fixtures, local visits etc. This has two implications:
For the driver: if you volunteer your services to drive pupils in your car you must check with your Insurance Company that you are adequately insured for this purpose.
For the pupils: Parents who are not prepared for their children to be transported in other parents’ cars must inform the school.
Many of our children live outside the town and are therefore required to travel to school by County or Public Transport. Any requests need to be made directly to: Passenger Transport Manager, County Hall, Dorchester.
Click for Bus not turned up, link for website
Students are allowed to cycle/sco securely locked in one of the school's designated shelters. Bikes/scootersot to school. We always advise that a helmet is worn and that bikes/scooters are are left at school by the owner's risk.