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Our Wessex family of schools

Year 4 – 5 Transfer

Year 4/5 Transition to St Osmund’s CE Middle School, Dorchester 


My name is Claire Hudson. I am based at St Osmund’s CE Middle School and work alongside the three main First Schools linked to St Osmund’s. These are St Mary’s CE VC First School Charminster, St Mary’s Catholic First School in Dorchester and Manor Park CE VC First School.

I live in a village close to Dorchester with my husband. We have two children who both went to St Mary’s Middle School, Puddletown and onto Thomas Hardye School.

Mrs C Hudson
Year 5 Transition Lead

During the spring and summer terms, I spend time at the first schools with the Year 4 pupils and teaching staff, so that I can build a trusting relationship with the pupils and get an insight into the best ways we can prepare them for their individual learning.

For the whole of the autumn term and up to February half term, I work at St Osmund’s alongside the Year 5 pupils and the teaching team, to provide the best support for your child.

If your child does not go to one of the linked schools, where possible, I will be in contact with the Year 4 teachers and hopefully be able to visit them at their first/primary school.

I have many fun Ossie based activities that I will email to you weekly, in order to help the children prepare for life at St Osmund’s. Please do look at these with your children, I hope that they are engaging and useful!

Part of my role is also to help you, as parents or carers. There are so many new systems for everyone to get used to, and you will have many questions!

Our website is incredibly useful and has a lot of the info that you will need, and I will, over the course of the summer term, be sending out a lot of this, but I do understand that this can become overwhelming and so we thought it may help if I set up these FAQs for you to dip into as and when you need them!

School Transport: Once you have received your official offer letter, there will be a section which will mention your transport arrangements. If you are out of catchment, or if you still have any concerns or questions, please call Dorset School Transport on 01305 224011 or email:

You could also follow this link to their page. Click here for

Uniform: There is a uniform page on our website, which should be updated with any changes.

Ossies Uniform is available to buy online or in the shop at Click here for

PE: Years 5 and 6 wear their PE kit into school on the days that they have PE or games.

Our school day: Our doors open at 8.30. Morning registration is between 08:40 and 08:50. If a child is not in their tutor room by the bell at 08:40 they are recorded as late to school. The school day ends at 15.15. It is best if you can arrange with your child where they need to go at the end of the day.

Out of Hours: We do offer wraparound provision, from 07:45, and after school until 17:30 Mon-Thurs and 17:00 on a Friday. Please book this directly with the Out of Hours Club: Click here for https://stosmunds/outofhours

School Clubs: These are called Ossie’s Opportunities. We are proud that all our clubs, whether held at lunchtime or after school, are completely free. They are many and varied and are updated every week on our website and in our weekly newsletter. Click here for Ossies Opportunities

Music lessons: If you would like your child to start or continue with any instrument, please contact Dorset Music Service directly (former DASP Music). Click here for Dorset Music Service

Hot school meals: I will be sending out your unique booking number towards the end of the summer term. Although we use the same company Click here for, please note that the code will be different to the one you are using at the first schools.

Communication: Communication is key for a successful relationship between school and home. If ever there are any concerns or queries, of course, you can always contact me and once your child is at Ossies, you can contact your child’s tutor who will be best placed to understand the holistic picture around your child.

Should there be something of a more serious nature, please contact the Year Leader.

If you have a concern that is of a very serious nature, please contact the member of the leadership team who deals with parental contact, Mrs Staddon on

Parent/Carer App. We are currently using SIMS Parent. This is an online application which we use as our method of communicating key information to you.

Please note that the invitation link to set up this app will not be sent until the first week that your child physically enrols in the school (usually at the beginning of September). This is also when you will start to receive our weekly newsletters, which can always be found on our website: Click here to take you to Newsletters

Pupil Premium: All information about Pupil Premium/FSM Click here to take you to the Pupil Premium page

Homework: There will generally be one set of English (+ Reading and Spelling Shed) and one set of Maths (+TT Rockstars) every week. Other subjects may have up to 3 pieces of homework set throughout the year.

Modern Foreign Language: 

From September 2025, all incoming students into Year 5 will study the same language (French or Spanish) through their four years at St. Osmund's CE Middle School and then through to Year 11 at The Thomas Hardye School. This curriculum decision has been made with the objective of raising standards of language learning so that all pupils have the best chance to succeed at GCSE by studying the same language from Year 5 to Year 11.

In creating new classes for Year 5, the transition team strongly consider balancing class size overall, an equal split of boys and girls, SEN and emotional support needs. If, after this, there is a strong and direct cultural or heritage-based preference for a language, please communicate this in writing to the Head of School before the end of April in the year of entry.

School admissions: We are here to help, but please note that the school does not deal with admissions. Please contact the council directly on 01305 221060 or visit their website for all the information you would need.

I really hope that these have helped answer some of your queries, but please do contact me, for anything further

Office: 01305 262897

Direct Line (Sep – Feb) 01305 755087

“You’re off to great places! Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting, so get on your way!”– Dr. Seuss