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Our Wessex family of schools

Send and Pupil Wellbeing

Mrs C Carter-Miles
Assistant Headteacher:
Inclusion / SENDCo Lead

Ms A Dipple
SEND Manager


Welcome to the SEND department page


The department is led by Miss Chloe Carter-Miles (SENDCo) who is ably supported by Ms. Amelia Dipple (SEND Manager) and Miss Amy Burgess (Study Manager). The department comprises of a team of specialist staff who support students across the school.

The SEND department is located right in the heart of the school and provides students with easy access to a sensory room, Learning Mentors and The Study. The Study is permanently staffed by Miss Burgess and offers a quiet, nurturing environment in which to learn and access pastoral support.

Here at St Osmund’s, we believe that all teachers are teachers of SEND and we pride ourselves on being fully inclusive. All our students attend mainstream lessons with their peers to ensure that they have access to our knowledge rich curriculum and our subject specialists. We invest heavily in CPD for all staff around SEND and how best we can meet the needs of all of our students within the classroom. Our SEND curriculum runs alongside and intertwines with our curriculum to ensure that all students have full access though quality first teaching and inclusive pedagogy. Students requiring additional support have access to a range of interventions, provisions and mentoring provided between 8am through to 4.30pm.

Interventions include but are not limited to:

  • 1:1 reading
  • Numeracy support
  • Small group phonics
  • Sentence improver workshops
  • Speed up handwriting
  • Touch typing
  • Fit to Learn
  • Start of the day club
  • Small group maths intervention
  • SALT (Speech and Language Therapy)
  • Homework club (after school)
  • ELSA (Emotional Literacy)
  • Nurture groups
  • 1:1 Counselling
  • Small group nature therapy
  • Music psychotherapy
  • Play therapy
  • Communication groups
  • Lego Communication
  • Lexia reading
  • Specialist teaching

We work closely with a range of external agencies who provide specialist support and advice for individual students depending on their needs.

These agencies include:

  • SALT (Speech and Language Therapy)
  • Educational Psychologist
  • Pediatrician
  • Auditory and Visual Support Services
  • CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services)
  • Specialist teachers in Specific Learning Difficulties, Sensory Processing and SEMH (Social Emotional and Mental Health)
  • Family Workers
  • Local Authority SEN/ Inclusion team
  • Mental Health in Schools Team
  • Young Carers support

Assessment and Monitoring:

Students are baselined on entry and then assessed regularly throughout their time at St Osmund’s. Results are analysed and students who are not making expected progress may then undergo more specialist assessment to identify what additional support could be put in place in terms of intervention. Intervention sessions are provided to target specific needs and the progress of each student is monitored closely. Students who do not make progress despite intervention, may then be placed on the SEN register and further assessment and intervention will be offered. The SEN register is reviewed on an ongoing basis to ensure that students are moved through the SEN stages of the Code of Practice in an accurate and timely manner.

Our Stakeholders:


We listen carefully to student voice and take into account student’s views when making decisions about our SEND provision.


Parents are able to contact the SEND team whenever they need to via email or telephone. They are able to make appointments should they wish. In addition to this, the SENDCo is available for appointments at parent consultation evenings.


At St Osmund’s, all teachers are teacher of SEND. Staff benefit from regular CPD around SEND, offered both internally and externally.


St Osmund’s, like all schools in Dorset, have a link Educational Psychologist. Once a term, there is a planning meeting between the SENDCo and the Educational Psychologist. This is sometimes attended by Specialist Teachers involved with the school. The purpose of these meetings is to collaboratively look at the Graduated Approach for individual students and decide upon appropriate strategies and next steps, including which professionals should be involved.

Local Authority

St Osmund’s work closely with the Local Authority, contribute to and are part of their local offer which can be found at here..

Click here to read the SEND policy