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Our Wessex family of schools

Online Safety

Online Safety is a vital part of keeping pupils safe at St Osmund’s Middle School. We have strong security measures in place in school, which are monitored both internally and externally to help safeguard pupils from potential dangers or unsuitable material images.

Our aim is to provide pupils with the tools to support their learning and help them develop into independent enquirers. Supporting them in this, we teach pupils to identify efficient and effective use of technology and also the need to be safe whilst doing so. We can only be successful in keeping pupils safe online if we work in partnership with parents and carers to ensure the online message is consistent. It is crucial that parents and carers reinforce to pupils how they can keep safe and behave appropriately online.

Mrs Claire Davies
Safeguarding Lead

Social Media and websites such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram offer amazing communication and social connections, however, they are created with their audience in mind and this is specifically 13 years old and above. Our school does not advocate our pupils having social media accounts and is committed to promoting the safe and responsible use of the Internet. Children cannot access social networking sites at school and we would reiterate to parents and carers the risks of underage use of such sites, so you can make an informed decision as to whether to allow your child to have a profile or not.

Please make sure your child understands the following rules:

  • Always keep your profile private.
  • Always tell someone if you feel threatened or someone upsets you.
  • Never agree to meet someone you only know online without telling a trusted adult.
  • Never post anything you wouldn’t want your parents to see.
  • Never accept friends you don’t know in real life.
  • Never post anything which could reveal your identity.

In order to keep our school community as up to date as possible on matters involving safeguarding, online and cyberbullying, we attach any useful resources and information from suitable sources.

Parental guidance – supporting your child online

Parental guidance – social networking also use our school Facebook page (link) https:St Osmund's School Facebook page and school Twitter account (link) St Osmund's Twitter page to circulate this material.

We aim to use the National Online Safety site NOS #WakeUpWednesday and post every week on Facebook and Twitter. On occasions for issues of extreme concern, we try to forward things via our SIMS app. If any parents are not signed up to this, please contact the school office (01305 262897) who will be happy to support in doing so

We have attached relevant information you may find helpful in supporting your child and family keep safe online.

If you have any queries about any eSafety related matter, please contact the school office, or telephone 01305 262897. Please address e mail to: The Designated Safeguarding Lead: Mrs Claire Davies