Pupil Premium
Dear Parents/Carers,
Ensuring equity of opportunity for all of our students is at the heart of everything we do here at St Osmund’s CE School. My role as Pupil Premium Lead is to ensure that we place the wellbeing and educational outcomes of our students in receipt of pupil premium funding front and centre in and out of the classroom.
I am new to post this year and will oversee provision for our students in receipt of Pupil Premium.
Pupil premium support is intended to directly benefit the children who are eligible. It helps to narrow the gap in achievement which can occur between them and their peers. . This may be through direct provision and resourcing in the classroom or specific interventions targeted at particular students. However, we at St Osmund’s CE School believe in a holistic approach, as we know that nurturing a child’s wellbeing will equip them better for the classroom.
At St Osmunds we provide:
- Year 5 welcome pack (stationery, folder, PE bag, Waterstones book voucher)
- Curricular: DT ingredients and materials, DT yearly contribution, Year 6 SATS packs, Year 7 calculator, school water bottle and all curricular day trips are funded automatically.
- Uniform: £50 Year 5 and Year 7, £30 Year 6 and Year 8. £30 shoe voucher for Year 5
- Music lessons: 50% funded for two terms. Changing Key Dorset can then be approached to support further lessons and the purchase of musical instruments. Click here for Changing Key Dorset Link
- Sports clubs: any linked to St Osmund’s but run by external providers e.g tennis are funded in full.
- Other: Year 8 Leavers book and hoodie and other discretionary support is available.
If you think your children may be eligible for free school meals it’s quick and easy to check. Go to ‘Dorsetcouncil.gov.uk’ type free school meals into the search bar and then apply or click the link below.
Cultural Capital and Pupil Premium
‘As part of making the judgement about the quality of education, inspectors will consider the extent to which schools are equipping pupils with the knowledge and cultural capital that they need to succeed in life. Ofsted’s understanding of this knowledge and cultural capital matches that found in the aims of the National Curriculum’.
At St. Osmund’s we are committed to increasing all children’s access to a wide range of experiences and skill development. However we recognise that children and families in receipt of pupil premium funding, are often less able financially to provide a wide range for their children. Listed below are a number of initiatives that aim to ensure greater parity between children in receipt of pupil premium support and their peers.
St Osmund’s automatically funds the following for families in receipt of pupil premium support and pupil premium plus. This does not include services pupil premium.
Residential trips
A residential trip is paid for in full in either Year 5 or 6 (KS2) and either Year 7 or 8 (KS3). The money can be split between trips in each Key Stage if you would prefer.
By funding in this way we hope to increase parental choice and most importantly ensure that all pupils can experience a residential school trip in each key stage. A contribution of £500 is available towards the KS3 ski trip.
Curricular (day) trips
These will be fully funded. For example, Year 6 Learn to Sail, Year 7 geography field trip, Year 8 end of year trip.
PP Parent Catch-up
Once a half term we will open up our library for our Pupil Premium students and their families. This is a chance to ask any questions, make suggestions, look at and borrow books from the library with your children or just catch up with a cuppa. There’ll be squash and biscuits too and a few toys to keep younger siblings entertained. We also hope to have access to second hand uniform if needed. We will email out details once we have dates in the diary.
General Pupil Premium questions: CMinhinnick@stosmunds.wessex.ac
Mrs Prince assists with Pupil Premium admin and is another voice on the end of the phone or email if I’m not around. She also works with Mrs Ayres to run breakfast club. rprince@stosmunds.wessex.ac
Mrs Ayres runs our out of hours provision. Please email outofhours@stosmunds.wessex.ac if you wish to get your child booked into breakfast club and Mrs Ayres will assist.
Mr Minhinnick oversees the provision of music lessons for our Pupil Premium students. Please contact him with general enquiries. gminhinnick@stosmunds.wessex.ac or go to https://music.wessex.ac/ for further information and to apply for music lessons.